Return to Love-

“The height of a man's success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment.”

-Leonardo Da Vinci

What if you could look in the mirror and innerstand what shaped you into the person you are today?

People say don’t judge a book by its cover, however with simple, proven techniques I am able to read your body and understand almost everything that’s shaped you, as well as what your character/personality is like, strengths, weaknesses and so much more.

Within your body lies a roadmap of the emotions, beliefs and patterns you've acquired based on your personal experiences. These show up in the physical formation of your body.

This language is a LOVE LANGUAGE from the soul about what it's like living your human experience, and it’s purpose is to bring you into the resonance of self-love so that you may show up as love in this world. 

With this same knowledge, you are able to reverse engineer yourself! *Think this is all B.S.? Schedule your FREE discovery call HERE today!*

Just like outside influences have shaped who we are today, when we consciously reshape our posture, how we use our body, and react to life in the present moment, we shift the stories and attachments from the past and set ourselves up with a new resonance for what we will create in the future.

Master becoming a conscious creator of your reality!

 You are ABLE to radically transform your life 

Hear how Avia was able to let go of weight by building trust with her body!

Return to Love Coaching is for you if you desire to…

be your own medicine

respond as a VICTOR instead of react as a victim

understand that pain is your body guiding you towards change, as opposed to punishment

have unshakeable focused direction toward your soul’s purpose

say goodbye to aches and pains from misalignments

See character and personality traits, compatibility in employees, potential new hires/collaborators, romantic connections

trust and Feel safe in your body

experience increased intuition

the Confidence that everything is shiftable

Lead, coach, teach with unshakeable innate wisdom

Love your loved ones better because you see how their body and soul says they need to be loved

 Over our TWO MONTHS together, you will receive:

A Full Body Reading report with a detailed analysis and explanation of the messages behind:

  • Major parts of your body and their emotional connections

  • Description of Muscle densities, skin health and body temperature

  • Shapes of all your body’s features from your toes to the top of your head

  • Masculine/feminine balances/imbalances

  • Chakra centers correlated to your body parts and emotions, as well as balances/imbalances

  • Posture and position of body parts

  • Breathing patterns, and guidance on how to breathe properly

  • A glossary of psychosomatic messages of the injuries, dis-eases and pains you’ve experienced taken from Messages from the Body: Their Psychological Meaning ($100 value)

  • Instructional video: what an aligned posture is and the messages you’re sending your body ($50 value)

  • Instructional video: how to walk the psychosomatic way and the new messages your're sending your body ($50 value)

  • BI-WEEKLY A write up on major themes/messages in your body and suggestions on how to begin to shift the subconscious/unconscious programming

  • A follow up session 90-120 minutes long to teach you how to read and engage the report ($250 value)

VALUED AT $2450!

YOU WILL ALSO GET a tailored program for each of the subsequent 6 sessions that’s includes:

  • A review of the emotional connections to body parts

  • Descriptions of chakras and messages behind alignment/misalignment

  • Physical misalignments and messages held there

  • Instructions on how to align posture and what the new messages are

  • Go through workouts to hold the new posture

  • Actionables to interrupt the old programming and reprogram yourself

  • Tracking your use of language and reflecting back the truth of what you feel/believe, then tying back into where that is in the body

  • Embodiment practices in session when necessary


See what my clients experienced


“Working with Kelly and the Psycho-somatic therapy has been a truly revolutionary journey. I've found the simple daily practices have really supported me in grounding in some changes in my life.

Learning through my body why certain things were feeling hard for me in life and then finding exercises to support the changes I needed to make has enabled some big shifts to take place. Things I have been trying to achieve for many years are suddenly beginning to flow. I have clearer direction and focus, the foundations in my life that I need to be able to thrive are slowly beginning to take form. 

I feel more stable and secure in myself than I have in a long time. Kelly's direction is clear, direct and compassionate. I thoroughly recommend working with her and this modality if you are wanting steady sustainable transformation to revolutionize the places in your life where you feel stuck.”

  • Bi-weekly live sessions 90-120 minutes long to go over the personalized write up ($2400 value)

  • Instructional video: what an aligned posture is and the messages you’re sending your body ($100 value)

  • Instructional video: how to walk the psychosomatic way and the new messages your're sending your body ($100 value)

  • Instructional workout video bundle to assist in correcting alignment($2000 value)

  • Instructional video bundle for embodiment practice suggestions ($1500 value)

  • Instructional videos on diaphragmatic and box breathing ($100 value)

  • Access to me between sessions via WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal, to share your progress, triumphant moments, ask questions, and seek guidance as things come up ($1500 value)




FOR ONLY $10,000 USD


More of what my clients experienced

Vera Clark

I initially came to Kelly to partake in her Return to Love program for my own curiosity but what I didn’t realize is how applicable it would become in so many aspects of my life, namely in my business and professional world. Last year I was in a really upsetting and hurtful situation with someone I was in business with. The process of allowing myself to feel the hurt while at the same time trying to not let it consume me and find ways to move past it has been slow.

Kelly and I were able to uncover that I had been in similar situations like this one in the past and with her guidance I was able to identify the patterns of why I have attracted people like that into my life and how I can begin to heal that part of myself. She equipped me with the neccessary tools to be able to process my pain and grief, while simultaneously teaching me ways to protect myself from getting into situations like this in the future.

Kelly provided me with actionables after each of our sessions and would check in frequently to see how the integration was going. For the first time in a really long time I felt like what I was going through was validated and I was nurtured in a way that felt safe to express how I was feeling. Im eternally grateful for Kelly’s program and the guidance that she gave me during a time that I didn’t even know I needed it most.

As someone that always likes to deal with things on my own, I can honestly say that what I gained in my time with Kelly is not something I ever would have achieved on my own.

Kelly is extremely knowledgable, relatable, compassionate, and a wonderful teacher. I highly recommend her and any of her offerings to anyone that may be feeling like they are stuck in any part of their life. You’ll walk away with so much knowledge about yourself and be given the tools to rewrite parts of your story that you never thought was possible. I can’t thank Kelly enough for this lifechanging experience!


“The posture evaluation was very enlightening to me, demonstrating direct correlations between the way I hold myself in my body posture to the experiences of my youth and childhood. I saw where my limited beliefs and stories influenced and affected my body posture and embodiment.

Week after week, Kelly dove deep into the psychosomatic aspects of my posture and childhood. We made direct connections between the moments I felt wounded or taken advantage of as a child and how I have held it my body for decades. 

Each week I had space to vulnerably share difficult aspects of my life, which Kelly held space for impeccably and with compassion. We linked the stories to their impact on my body. She also gave me weekly exercises to correct my postures. As my posture changed, so did my stories and how I met the world.

I feel more powerful, in tune with my body, and overall, a greater sense of self love and compassion.

Working with Kelly was great. She is really knowledgeable, and clear with her assessments. She is caring, and encouraging. She is passionate about her work your transformation and the transformation of the planet, one body at a time! 

I really appreciated the follow up messages, reminders and her commitment to my transformation.”

Other Offerings

  • Training: Psychosomatic Therapy Practitioner

    A Pyschosomatic Therapist brings to your awareness where you need to align yourself to awaken the power within through a structured process in understanding focus, balance, and posture.

    All the issues are in the tissues and psychosomatic therapy uproots the emotional traumas deeply rooted in cellular memory.

    A great Psychosomatic Therapist or BodyMind Analyst can read a person’s entire life story by looking at the formation and shape of the body, its ability to move freely or with constriction, areas of tension, as well as the types of accidents, illnesses or diseases that have happened.

    Our bodies become like a walking autobiography, muscle and flesh formations reflecting our experiences, injuries, worries, anxieties and attitudes.

  • Training: Art and Science of Face Reading

    What if you could look in the mirror and innerstand what shaped you into the person you currently are?

    Are you aware that your face is shaped by your experiences, and reveal how your soul feels about those experiences?

    Yes! Within your face, lies a magical map of your larger energetic and emotional system: the health of your body, emotions, thoughts, your chakras, masculine/feminine expressions, and more.

  • Discovering You Sessions

    Discovering You Sessions are a great way for us to connect about anything that you may be struggling with.

    When you book a Discovering You session you get a 90-120 minute session where we dive into an area in your life you’re desiring clarity with. This is where I use any/all of my magical tools to reflect back to you what I hear your soul communicating, and guide you through processes to bring the internal clarity you need to make your next steps forward.