Soul Much Love

Bring your body, mind and soul into alignment with this immersive 10 week online group program

Apply for the next group, OR join the self-study now and apply for the group later!

Soul Much Love SELF STUDY
One time

For those motivated to learn and heal on a budget, you get all of the same content at a self-study pace. Upgrade to the Small Group Coaching experience and your investment gets applied to that! **BONUS** 25% discount on the Art & Science of Face Reading SELF STUDY.

✓ 400+ hrs of educational videos and fully illustrated manual
✓ BONUS pre-recorded EFT session
✓ Exclusive monthly SML alumni zooms calls and discounts
✓ Review and feedback of your final presentation on YOU
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Soul Much Love Group Coaching
One time
For 2 months

Connecting humans to their Soul, intuition and wholeness through the Soul’s built in communication system of Sacred Body Language. 10 weeks in small a group ensures individual attention.

✓ 400+ hrs of educational videos and fully illustrated manual
✓ GIFT: Art & Science of Face Reading SELF STUDY
✓ BONUS pre-recorded EFT session
✓ Exclusive SML alumni zooms calls and discounts
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Have you ever felt…

you're destined to live out the same Pain, drama and trauma patterns?

unsafe in your body, or unsure how to trust it?

lacking direction and purpose and unsure how to shift?

challenges connecting on deep & intimate levels?

I'm here to tell you… there is another way!

As we move through our TEN WEEKS together, feelings, beliefs and patterns will be illuminated, and you will learn how to interrupt them to reshape how you think, feel and perceive yourself. I guide this process with simple steps that get to the roots of your issues:

  • Teach you Body Language so you are able to see/feel/hear for yourself

  • Provide simple bodyweight exercises that focus on balance, posture and alignment to train your muscles to hold the new posture

  • Embodiment experiences that interrupt the old patterns and implement new ways of being

The world around you, and how you show up in life, will shift.

Module 1
Intro to reading
the body

  • Masculine/feminine sides of your body

  • How to check your imbalances and their meanings

  • The chakras centers found in body, face, hands and feet 

  • Observing where/how your energy flows to discern message

  • Learning to read muscles, temperature, & emotional connections to areas of the body

  • Before pictures to be able to compare at the end

Module 2
Stepping into the

  • Alignment of your feet, knees and hips

  • Meanings of aligned and misaligned postures

  • Emotional connections to corresponding body parts

  • A deeper dive into the root & sacral energy centers

  • In class and at home embodiment practices to interrupt old programming

  • Opportunity to practice reading your peers

  • Exercises to support new alignment

  • Actionables to implement over the next two weeks to reprogram yourself

Module 3

  • Alignment of your torso, shoulders and back

  • Meanings of aligned and misaligned postures

  • Emotional connections to corresponding body parts

  • A deeper dive into your solar plexus & heart chakra energy centers

  • In class and at home embodiment practices to interrupt old programming

  • Opportunity to practice reading your peers

  • Exercises to support new alignment

  • Actionables to implement over the next two weeks to reprogram yourself

Module 4
Speaking Life

  • Alignment of your head and neck

  • The emotional connection to this particular part of your body

  • A deeper dive into the throat chakra energy center

  • Languaging upgrades to replace common phrases & words

  • In class and at home embodiment practices to interrupt old programming

  • Opportunity to practice reading your peers

  • Exercises to support new alignment

  • Actionables to implement over the next two weeks to reprogram yourself

Module 5
Seeing Things as They Really Are

  • A deeper dive into the third eye and crown chakra energy centers

  • Learn about all the symptoms associated with an out of balance third eye and crown chakra

  • The connection between the crown chakra and our higher self

  • In class and at home embodiment practices to interrupt old programming

  • Opportunity to practice reading your peers

  • Exercises to support new alignment

  • Actionables to implement over the next two weeks to reprogram yourself

Module 6
Bringing it All Together

  • Final presentation of YOU to your peers

  • Feedback from me and your peers

  • Q&A for you to ask anything related to the course material and body readings

  • Closing circle and ceremony

  • After pictures to showcase the changes in your body over the course of the 6 weeks

You will also get:

  • Weekly live group sessions (3 hours) to go over content, embodiement, ask questions

  • Instructional video: what an aligned posture is and the messages you’re sending your body

  • Instructional video: how to walk the psychosomatic way and the new messages your're sending your body

  • Instructional video bundle teaching you to work out in alignment to hold your new posture

  • Instructional video bundle for moving stagnant energy and embodiment practices

  • Instructional videos on diaphragmatic and box breathing

  • Access to me between sessions via WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal, to share your progress, triumphant moments, ask questions, and seek guidance as things come up

  • Lifetime access to recorded sessions and all online content!

  • A jam packed manual you get to keep that includes all information we’ve learned throughout the course (PRICELESS!!!!)


Soul Much Love is for you if:

You desire to gain the ability to clearly hear your body's messages and take a targeted approach to shifting patterns that no longer serve you

You need clarity within that allows you to relate to yourself and others authentically

You’re ready to see how love has shaped every part of who you are, including the parts you may not like

You’re committed to let go of the subconscious and unconscious programming, while freeing up creative energy to heal yourself and fuel your dreams


Are you ready to finally feel at home in your body? 

Soul Much Love SELF STUDY
One time

For those motivated to learn and heal on a budget, you get all of the same content at a self-study pace. Upgrade to the Small Group Coaching experience and your investment gets applied to that! **BONUS** 25% discount on the Art & Science of Face Reading SELF STUDY.

✓ 400+ hrs of educational videos and fully illustrated manual
✓ BONUS pre-recorded EFT session
✓ Exclusive monthly SML alumni zooms calls and discounts
✓ Review and feedback of your final presentation on YOU
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Soul Much Love Group Coaching
One time
For 2 months

Connecting humans to their Soul, intuition and wholeness through the Soul’s built in communication system of Sacred Body Language. 10 weeks in small a group ensures individual attention.

✓ 400+ hrs of educational videos and fully illustrated manual
✓ GIFT: Art & Science of Face Reading SELF STUDY
✓ BONUS pre-recorded EFT session
✓ Exclusive SML alumni zooms calls and discounts
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Here is what my past students experienced…


“Your Soul Much Love program would burn the medical industry to the ground.”


“Soul Much Love made such a huge impact in my life as a professional and individual. Halfway through the program, I found so many similarities with Germanic Healing Framework (aka New German Medicine) that I also embraced and practice in my daily life and career.

Body Language and German New Medicine point out the wisdom of the body, the biological and spiritual purposes of injuries, dis-eases (Significant Biological Special Program, SBS) and anything that happens to people during their lifetime. Each conflict is triggered by an unexpected, highly acute, and isolating conflict shock that occurs simultaneously in the psyche, the brain, and on the corresponding organ.

Most if these conflicts (DHS in German) especially the ones that come back again and again (allergies, cancer or the so called "chronic dis-eases) have their root cause in traumatic experiences that happen during childhood and left a deep wound in the psyche-brain-organ unit.

Just as Doctor Hamer found the correlation between psyche-brain-organ, Body Language also explains the connection of body-mind-spirit unit; how human being are being shaped from conception, and how each single situation that happens will have some impact that can be seen in the skin, muscles, expression, organs but also in the behavior and personalities. 

Both philosophies consider "shadow work" as the ultimate tool to identify and get the body back into alignment. There is no more quick-fix, no more relying on diets, supplements, drinks or any other external resource; the power and inner capacity to heal is inside each individual.

Just as Doctor Hamer said: "the body is never sick; it is either adapting or healing". Body Language comes as a powerful tool to bring awareness and see who we really are with love and compassion, it identifies the patterns and provides techniques to break the cycles and rewild ourselves. "

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What should I wear?

Because this is a body language course and we’ll be doing light physical activity, it is recommended to wear workout clothes that show your body shape. Bring something to tie your hair up. All shoes, socks, jewelry and watches will be removed for class.

+ What if I have zero experience?

This is an excellent place to start because you will be learning how to hear yourself through the language of your body. You will be given many tools to reprogram yourself from within, which will allow you to take a more targeted approach to your healing and wholeing journey.

+ What if I have tons of experience in healing?

Yes, this is for you too. Body language is a universal language and is the foundation of all healing work. This course will only INCREASE whatever skills you already have.

+ What if I cannot make it every week?

There is the SELF-STUDY option available! And when you are ready to commit to the full 10 week group experience, your initial investment is applied towards it so you KEEP your investment!

+ Is this a certification course?

There are separate certification courses for those who desire a comprehensive understanding of Body Language.

Soul Much Love is my synthesis of Body Language posture and position from the feet to the head, along with adding in the practical steps to embody what you’re learning, re-pattern old stories, and reshape you and your life.

You will profoundly deepen your connection to yourself and become increasingly clear and confident as you embody what your Soul is guiding you into.

+ Is this good for couples?

Absolutely! Again, as you learn to hear yourself clearly and grow in intimacy with yourself, you will also hear your partner and grow in more authentic intimacy. Bonus: you'll be able to sense your children better and see beyond their ability or inability to express themselves with words.

+ What if I'm shy?

You will be held in love and experience new growth in allowing yourself to be witnessed in your truth, and likely uncover the roots of your shyness;)

Have Any Other Questions?
Contact Me And I'll Be Happy To Answer.

Hey, I’m Kelly.

In 2018 I was set to start my Masters of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary. As the date to register for classes approached I began to experience anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. I figured I was just nervous to settle down for a year to study, so I booked a trip to Bali and Thailand to get the travel bug out of me.

Within 24 hours of landing I broke my collarbone and felt this wave of relief come over my body because I could no longer sign up for my classes. That was the first time I heard myself clearly and did a complete 180. I left everything that was familiar and dove into the mystery of my new spiritual journey.

+ Read More

In 2019 I began learning how to heal myself and quit corporate to dive full time into this mission, shifting decades of repeated pain, trauma and drama cycles, into a life filled with peace, meaningful connections and a track record of successfully delivering results for my clients.

I am Master Level trained in Psychosomatic Psychology and currently in my Teaching Diplomacy. I’ve also been trained in integrative trauma release, embodied healing arts, Reiki and earned a Bachelor’s in International Business and graduated Summa Cum Laude.

My dedication and passion for this work was birthed from becoming the victor over my own complex trauma experiences including incest, narcissistic parents, repeated sexual assaults, religious brain washing, death of my daughter, full hip replacement, clavicle repair and more.

I combine my "School of Hard Knocks" experiences and professional training to guide others into courageously seeing their truth, radically aligning to love, and rising into their Soul's expression.

It's time to get in touch with your body and your nature, because this is where your power is at.

 Still unsure how the program works?

I am happy to answer any questions you may have about the program.